hi1234567336's items

Neomail hi1234567336 hi1234567336's lookup

Items hi1234567336 owns

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0.1 Introduction

Low on boxes so I probably won't be trading much.
Trudy, please save me (ಥ﹏ಥ).

Numbers on TL indicate quantity, not value.
I tend to follow /~Owls values but also look at ratios.

Everything here is UFT - my closet is hidden.

Non-wearables UFT

💌 Neomails are very welcome!

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2. 2+ Caps

UFT for wishes, BF/GBCs, cookies, dyepots, custom

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Items hi1234567336 wants

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1. High Priority

⭐ Actively seeking. Offering highlights list and I can also add a small custom.

+ seeking Holiday Patapult Patapuff 1-Pack (check your SDBs✨)

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2. Medium Priority

⭐Actively seeking to complete customisations.
Not offering custom for these, sorry.

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4. I just think they're neat.

Would like to own but have no plans for or just too high value.
⭐Basically just me window shopping.

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NP items

Always seeking codestones (let me know if you're selling in bulk)

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Dress to Impress
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