fizzle78's items

Neomail fizzle78 fizzle78's lookup

Items fizzle78 owns

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Items fizzle78 wants

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1. Highest Priority Wishes

Actively offering GBCs for these items so feel free to NM if you have these!

Note: Items with the quantity '21' I'm hoping to find in 2:1 gbcs sales. Let me know if you have them in your sales, especially if you have 2 or more of these items!

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2. High Priority Wishes

Not as urgent as my highest priority wishes but still seeking.

Note: Items with the quantity '21' I'm hoping to find in 2:1 gbcs sales. Let me know if you have them in your sales, especially if you have 2 or more of these items!

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3. Not actively seeking but will want someday

Note: Items with the quantity '21' I'm hoping to find in 2:1 gbcs sales. Let me know if you have them in your sales, especially if you have 2 or more of these items!

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4. Uncertain if I want these for the future

Note: Items with the quantity '21' I'm hoping to find in 2:1 gbcs sales. Let me know if you have them in your sales, especially if you have 2 or more of these items!

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5. Dreamies

I'll never ever own these but I can dream T_T

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