DemonGhoul's items

Neomail innocence_undone innocence_undone's lookup

Items DemonGhoul owns

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0. Info

Box Count: 14 | GBC Count: 15 | Custom Count: 0

Hi, if you see something here you like or have a wish of mine, feel free to throw me a neomail!

All of my NC items are listed here. If it's not on here, I don't have it sorry :(.

Always seeking GBCs and Faerie Quest/Archive/NC Upcycle /Lab Ray Cookies, feel free to offer if you have some.

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1. Dyeworks Lending

I can lend any dyeworks items I have for 1 GBC, 1 Archive Cookie, 1 Faerie Quest Cookie, or 1 small wishlist item. These items are currently not for trade.

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2. 2:1 Sale

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4. Side Accounts

Only have a box on voicing_darkness and ghosting_innocence, currently.

1 GBC per 1-2 items (if they're on the same account).

98 is on mz_valkyrie.

97 is on voicing_darkness.

96 is on ghosting_innocence.

95 is on violet_horizons.

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Items DemonGhoul wants

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1. Top Wishes

Things I'd really like but are hard to find and harder to trade towards. Please offer though if you have these!

99 has a pre-trade decided on.

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2. Top Priority/Alternative Wishes

Things I want instead of the Top Wishes if I can't find my Top Wishes.

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3. NP Wishlist

Mainly for my reference, though feel free to Neomail me if you're offering/selling.

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