sumhaize's items

Neomail sumhaize sumhaize's lookup

Items sumhaize owns

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..( *w*)..

Any numbers you see reflect the last time I checked the values on said item. Mostly just pay no attention to them if they have incorrect values because I always check before a trade. ^^

UFT items marked with:
21= 2:1 GBC/cookie that I'm seeking
12= 1-2 cap value
anything higher- cap value per ~owls last time I checked it

non=wearables UFT:
Everything Nice Fall Retired Mystery Capsule x3
Dyeworks Hue Brew Potion x14
Upcycle Fortune Cookie x1

thanks for looking!
UPDATED: 11/2/23

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.** Nostalgic Tokens UFT / WL **

Seeking ALL plushie tokens EXCEPT for the following:

UFT tokens:
Usukiboy + Usukigirl

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1) Clothing

say goodbye to being nekkid

This list is empty.

5) Backgrounds, Foregrounds, Trinkets

Stuff for your Back or your Fore (and now for your Trink)

This list is empty.

6) 2:1 & 3:1 Sale

The graveyard of shame
2:1 GBC/Upcycle/Archive
1:1 dyepot
only available 2:1/3:1 if I have the boxes to do so,
when that is the case, I can only offer 1:1 on these!

This list is empty.


my precious....

MOSTTTT of these items are not UFT, but feel free to ask anyway.

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Items sumhaize wants

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000 - Current Buyables I need

Also seeking archive/upcycle cookies, SSS, DSSS, and any current RR caps

This list is empty.
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