evil_flying_unicorns's items

Neomail evil_flying_unicorns evil_flying_unicorns's lookup

Items evil_flying_unicorns owns

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Hi! I'm Egg. Sorry for the lengthy text, I like to be clear.

If it's on my list, it is UFT!

Please read this little section if you're on Classic (not 2020) DTI!
My trade-list is 100% accurate on my end.
However, Classic DTI sometimes doesn't "stick". Some items may appear to be on my tradelist/wishlist, but they're actually either traded away or I've already gotten that wish. My completely accurate UFT/WL is on 2020 DTI:

General Notes:
I always reply to everyone, usually within 12 hours, and my inbox is never full.

If I haven't replied to you within 24 hours, the site ate the neomail from either end. Please send another message!
For faster trading, reach out on neocord! @hydrated_egg

Value wise, I go by DTI, DTI2020 and Jellyneo ratios, general vibes, and item desirability. I try my best to stay fair with values.
I do check Owls, but Fyora have mercy some of those values are WACK when you look at the actual ratios.

If I have your wish(es) but you don't have any of mine, reach out anyways with your list! I have hundreds of hidden wishes, and I'm happy to accept GBC, caps, cookies (FQC, Lab, Upcycle), custom, etc.

This list is empty.

. trade limbo .

Either someone's neomailed me about these items, or I neomailed someone offering these items!

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1. Highlights

Some of the higher value items I have! My trading fodder, if you will. I'd rather trade these for my higher ranked desired wishes.

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2. Fresh Finds

Newest additions to my UFT list, either pulled from my closet or farmed fresh from the hottest new mall releases.

None of these are HTPW. Always looking for more caps, as well as wishes, GBC, cookies, huebrew potions, etc. Very open to dyeworks swaps!

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3.2 Foregrounds (~1 cap)

Regular UFT for wishes, caps, cookies, dyepots, tickets, gbc, etc. Not a huge fan of these items so I'm not picky. Open to 2:1 GBC/caps and 1:1 FQC/dyepots for half of these items. Neomail me!

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3.3 Shirts, Pants, Dresses, Shoes, etc (~1 cap)

Regular UFT for wishes, caps, cookies, dyepots, tickets, gbc, etc. Not a huge fan of these items so I'm not picky. Open to 2:1 GBC/caps and 1:1 FQC/dyepots for half of these items. Neomail me!

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3.4 Wigs, Hats, Static Head Items (~1 cap)

Regular UFT for wishes, caps, cookies, dyepots, tickets, gbc, etc. Not a huge fan of these items so I'm not picky. Open to 2:1 GBC/caps and 1:1 FQC/dyepots for half of these items. Neomail me!

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3.7 Makeup, Contacts (~1 cap)

3.8 Baby, Mutant, Maraquan (~1 cap)

Regular UFT for wishes, caps, cookies, dyepots, tickets, gbc, etc. Not a huge fan of these items so I'm not picky. Open to 2:1 GBC/caps and 1:1 FQC/dyepots for half of these items. Neomail me!

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5. (2:1) The Buyables, The Junk, The Items that don't Funk

2:1 GBC/upcycle cookie, 3:1 RR cap/BFGBC, 1:1 dyepot/FQC, etc. You get the gist. Heck, I might even agree to a 4:1 if you're offering literally any of my wishes or a BFGBC/RR cap and I'm in a particularly joyous mood.

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Items evil_flying_unicorns wants

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. trade limbo .

Either someone's neomailed me offering these items, or I neomailed someone inquiring about these items!

This list is empty.

1. Priority Seeking

I'm actively seeking these items for planned outfits. I can offer from my entire tradelist, and will crack open my hidden closet for these items! Heck, I might even overpay.

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1.1 Priority Seeking for friends!

I am actively seeking these for my friends! My entire tradelist is available, and I will trade quite a bit to get these items to my friends.

Baby Spring Ona Companion for namelesskangaroo
Dreamy Cloud Background for kimstar887
Rainbow Field of Daisies Background for electric_perfume

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4. Low Priority Seeking

Low-ish priority. I have no active plans for these, but I like how they look and I will use them if I have them. Yes, I desire the soundtracks. I don't know either.

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4.1 Low Priority Seeking (Duplicates)

Don't particularly need these, but wouldn't mind trading for them.

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91. neoPOINT wishes

One day I'll sit down and buy all of these for my closet. Today is not that day. I don't have plans for 99.9% of these items.

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Dress to Impress
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