croissantmoon's items

Neomail croissantmoon croissantmoon's lookup

Items croissantmoon owns

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*** Hey Friends!

My permanent/HTPW closet is hidden, so everything you see is up for trade for items of similar value or the items in
my "Actively Seeking" list.

I love doing trades, and I’m super easy to work with.
I’m online often, so please shoot me a neomail if something catches your eyes!

*In addition to anything on these lists I can also offer and accept (BF)GBC and custom.

*#'s equal quantity and are mostly for my reference.

Thanks for looking & HAPPY TRADING!

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BG / FG Items

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Items croissantmoon wants

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***Actively Seeking

I am actively seeking all of these items for current customs. Some of these I will happily over-offer on, please just shoot your best shot with the HTF/HTPW items.

*I can offer BFGBC and custom at all times until stated otherwise! Please reach out to me if you have anything on this list UFT!

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