kuracara's items

Neomail kuracara kuracara's lookup

Items kuracara owns

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I don't do much active NC buying/trading, but I am frequently online and full of boxes.

Willing to hear any offers; I follow /~waka for ease.

I don't check the mall often and I don't separate buyables in these lists.

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1.1 UFT - GBCs / non-wearables

Masked Halloween Gift Box Mystery Capsule - 1
Sunset Summer Gift Box Mystery Capsule - 1

Dyeworks Hue Brew Potion - 2

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Items kuracara wants

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2. Maybes/Considering

I'm considering these for customizations that aren't finalized. I'll likely add/remove from this often and may reject fair offers.

I'm putting them here mostly to compare to trade lists myself.

(Numbers are for personal reference only, not quantity)

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3. Gallery

Currently only interested in item:item trades

• Lunch Tray

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