absoluteshambles's items

Neomail lilylilylilac lilylilylilac's lookup

Items absoluteshambles owns

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0. Info

Please note that I trade very sporadically so I will reference ~Owls for values.

I take breaks from neopets here & there but if I you found me through DTI's trading feature then I'm currently active & feel free to message me with any offers! I can usually provide a custom and/or GBC's for high priority wishes.

Feel free to neomail me if you have something on my wishlist or I have an item you're interested in trading for: http://www.neopets.com/neomessages.phtml?type=send&recipient=lilylilylilac

This list is empty.

1. Deposit

Numbers are quantities.

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4. Side Account: Absoluteshambles

I probably don't have gift boxes on this account and the trade would need to include acquiring one.

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Items absoluteshambles wants

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3. Low Priority Wishlist

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