karenoj's items

Neomail karenoj karenoj's lookup

Items karenoj owns

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1. Information

Hi there! I use ~Owls and DTI ratios for values.

Don't be shy - neomail me if something interests you! I'm online daily and I try to respond to all inquiries within 24 hours. If I don't respond within 24 hours, please resend your neomail.

Last updated May 8, 2024.

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2. Wearables UFT

If there's a number, it means I own multiple of them. I prefer to trade the following items for wishlist items, but I'll consider trading for GBCs too, especially if I have multiples. Thanks!

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Items karenoj wants

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1. Wishlist

I'm offering GBCs or items from my UFT list for these.

If there's a number, it means I'm seeking multiple of them!

If you see me on the neoboards and you don't have the item I'm currently posting about, but you do have something else from this list, just let me know. I'm always looking for these items.

This list is empty.
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