sh3113y's items

Neomail _sh3113y _sh3113y's lookup

Items sh3113y owns

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0) Pls NM me to negotiate a trade, thx (: Online often. Will trade for gbc's!

Total Boxes: 4
Total Caps: 0

Please keep in mind that all items categorized here span all 3 of my accounts.
I may not have boxes on the account where an item is located!

Last Updated: March 13th, 2017

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4) Dyeworks Lends

Will accept lends for Dyeworks I'm actively seeking.
Will also accept Hue Brew Potions (depends on if I have the original item to dye!)

Always accepting single cap offers!

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Items sh3113y wants

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2: Actively Seeking (Buyables)

Only accepting trades for my 1:1 or Buyables items uft.
Will consider single cap trades.

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3: Actively Seeking (Dyeworks Lends)

5: Actively Seeking (PB Wearables)

Willing to trade for my PB Wearables uft.
Feel free to NM me if you're selling or trading the respective pb's!

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