ghostlyadam's items

Neomail ghostlyadam ghostlyadam's lookup

Items ghostlyadam owns

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a. Important Note

Last Updated: 19 April 2024

If you don't hear back from me in a Neomail within 72 hours, please feel free to send me another Neomail!

Thank-you for visiting; have a wonderful day!

Please Note:
DTI does not always update whenever I amend my trade list; I will be doing better about triple-checking that I still have the item before I confirm a trade. Thank-you for your patience and understanding!

This list is empty.

b. New/Recently RR'd Items

Spare Token(s) UFT:
None currently available

None currently available

This list is empty.

c. 1 Cap

This list is empty.

e. 3 Caps

f. 4 Caps

This list is empty.

g. 5 Caps

This list is empty.

h. 6 Caps

This list is empty.

i. 7+ Caps

Numbers represent value (i.e. 910 = 9-10). I try to keep these values updated accordingly; if they're off then please feel free to let me know.

Altador Cup Scroll Gift Box Mystery Capsule (~6-12)

This list is empty.

j. 2:1/3:1

2:1 for regular GBC
3:1 for BFGBC
1:1 for FQC or Dyepot

If I announced it on my board, this section is 4:1 for BFGBC!

This list is empty.

k. Pending Trade

These are items which have been inquired about within the last 72 hours and are not currently UFT. If I have not heard back from the other user within 72 hours then I will move these items back to the appropriate categories.

The 72 hour rule only applies to people who have posted only once on my board inquiring a trade or who have only mailed me once inquiring about a trade. I tend to wait even longer for users who I have a longer rapport with.

This list is empty.

Items ghostlyadam wants

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Absolutely Need Wishes

I want these items the most.

Numbers represent value (i.e. 35 = 3-5, 88 means I don't know the value, no number is 1). I try to keep these values updated accordingly; if they're off then please feel free to let me know.

This list is empty.

Pending Trade

These are items that people have offered me for my items/customs within the last 72 hours and I am not currently seeking them. If I have not heard back from the user within 72 hours, I will move them back to actively seeking.

The 72 hour rule only applies to people who have posted only once on my board inquiring a trade or who have only mailed me once inquiring about a trade. I tend to wait even longer for users who I have a longer rapport with.

This list is empty.
Dress to Impress
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