spew's items

Neomail spew spew's lookup

Items spew owns

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0. Hello!

Hello! Welcome to my DTI! Please get in touch, I don't bite! Nothing is THAT hard to part with and I like to try and work something out where I can :)

I also have some hidden items on my Trade List, so I always welcome taking a look at your wishes!

Each section of my Trade List will say what I am seeking for those items, each is different so please check that out.

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2. Pretties

Will only trade for my Priority Wishes, and MAYBE my Medium Priority, but I may decline those.

Also seeking: DSSS, Plushie Cybunny Token, BFGBC, Upcycle Cookies

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3. Casual Trades

All of these items are up for casual trades, and I agree with Owls values for almost all of these.

Seeking: High and Medium Priority Wishes, GBCs, BFGBCs, DSSS, SSS, Cookies.

If you see something you like, but don't have my wishes, get in touch and I will take a look at your Trade List!

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All items are currently 2:1 GBC/3:1 BFGBC (or at a 2:1 value towards my Low Priority Wishes). If you see something you like but do not have my wishes, let me know and I will take a look at your Trade List :) Will most likely be using these for Upcycling if they are not traded.

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Items spew wants

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Low Priority Wishes

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