Secre's items

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Items Secre owns

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1. Dyework Lends

Happy to lend for one GBC or a FFQ/Games cookie providing I have boxes.

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1.Highlights In Use

Up for trade for the right price, but currently in use/in a frequently used custom.

Only going to accept trades on High Priority/High Value items and may turn down fair offers.

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2. Highlights

These are the few items I have that are higher value, are new or are more worthwhile to me. I'll only be interested in trading these for items on my priority wish list or higher value items on my casual wish list.

Not interested in custom for this list unless I specifically ask.

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4. NC Items Up for Trade - Regular

Most of these are worth ~1-2 caps from the lists I've found and I'm easy about trading them. I may be interested in custom, although I have quite a lot of GBC's and cookies at the moment.

4x Training Cookie 13th Birthday Midsummer Cupcake 13th Birthday Diamond Cupcake 13th Birthday Whimsical Cupcake

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5. Lowest Value Items

Items Secre wants

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1. High Priority Wish List

I have a plan and I have the pet! I'll trade custom or anything on any list to get my greedy mitts on these.

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2. Seasonal - Mid Priority

Eh, seasonal goodies that strike my fancy and I've had no luck with caps with.

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Low Priority Wearables

I'm either looking for a duplicate for a side or have similar items in the closet and am vaguely looking for variety. Likely only offering custom/GBC's.

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Yooyu Gallery Items

This is a work in progress. I have very few NC Yooyu items currently, so if you have something feel free to chuck me a message.

These are lower priority items and closet items will always take precedence.

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