They call me Fly...
I use the 5 most recent reports from Owlsbot & ratios for values. I find this to be the most accurate and it makes it easy to counter sneaky people who know whats got a low guide value but high trade value.
Please dont look for the lowest value most sought after items you can find and offer the most common easy to find thing you have. Its getting old. I just cant deal with it politely anymore. I will happily be fair and happily take everything into consideration: Value guide, ratios, popularity, how often its been RR/RR likelyhood etc.. Please treat me the same! C:
These are listed as public
This list isnt sorted yet, some items may not be UFT.
These are 100% UFT and have boxes.
Only seeking as a small filler or for equally ETF item swap 1:1 please and thank you.
This list is empty.