Updated: March 2025
I am on Eastern Standard Time. If my inbox is full, send a Foal in Box to let me know. I will send a Foal in Box to you if your inbox is full, so please make sure your inbox has space or else I cannot answer back.
If I request to send an item/will be sending from a side, these are my side accounts: lina_llubera, artemis_shadow, artemis_ofthe_moon and absolutezeros.
Be aware I will always conduct trades through my main, tsuki_wings.
Quantity number means cap value. (Ex. 23 is 2-3 caps)
This list contains items from my side accounts which have no boxes. Please only ask about these items if you're offering GBC. Non-GBC offers will be ignored.
If items are on the same account I can do 2:1 regular GBC or 3:1/4:1 BFGBC. Numbers indicate which account they're on.
2 - lina__llubera, 3 - artemis_shadow, 4 - artemis_ofthe_moon, 5 - absolutezeros
Also seeking GBCs