LilyLuff's items

Neomail lilster47 lilster47's lookup

Items LilyLuff owns

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Establishing Notes

Hi! You can call me Lily (she/her). :)

I use /~Owls as a value guide and mostly agree with values listed.

GBCs available: 1 Fall Forager BF GBC, 1 Looming Eclipse GBC, 4 Cutie Pie Weewoo BF GBCs, 19 25th Anniversary BF GBCs

Themed Gift Boxes available: 1 Munching Meepits Gift Box, 1 Haunted Halloween Rock Giftbox

Items marked '55' represent ITEMS ON SIDES that might require a sent-first GBC for trade (if you are offering at least one GBC for it, depending on value). Otherwise, numbers in all of my lists indicate quantity.

Furthermore, since it is important, for the sake of trading partners' peace of mind, these are my side accts that I may occasionally ask for items to be sent to: thisismethatsyou, junegloom32, pokemon_queen47, and adorkablylily. If you need confirmation that it is me before we trade, please ask and I would be happy to oblige by sending you an NM from the specified acct as confirmation.

Non-wearables I have UFT are:
2 NC Archives Fortune Cookie
1 Everything Nice Fall RR cap (2023)
1 Baby Back to School Mini cap
2 Dyepots (regular)

Last updated: March 19th, 2025

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Premier Tradelist

Items LilyLuff wants

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"Now here I go again, I see the crystal visions/I keep my visions to myself"

{Impossible dreams list that I will only offer a mix of item:item and BF GBCs or RR caps for; will not exclusively offer BF GBCs for}

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Top priority list which I will definitely trade GBCs/caps for - not all for my main, either, so please be informed when I ask for something here to be sent to one of my side accounts. It will be beloved nonetheless!
If you see multiples on this list that are on other lists (like for my sides, or my main), that is indicative of WHERE I want these items sent - not that I want/am looking for multiples of that item. LOL

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Main WL: lilster47

These are items I want for pets on my main, and thus are priority over items for pets for my side accounts. (Justification, since it seems sad: I spend the most time on my main!) If there is a quantity of '21' it means I'm hoping to find it in a 2:1 sale!

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Side WL: Pokemon_Queen47

These are items I want for my pets on my themeless (but no less beloved!!!) side account pokemon_queen47.

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Unlikely to Trade For Any Time Soon

Items I will not offer GBCs/caps for - item:item trades are preferred for these, if I even consider trading for these yet at all! (But I hope to get them eventually. Usually they're for pets I don't even have yet. LOL Or for pets whose customizations appear complete enough without these additions.)

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