rlynbook's items

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Items rlynbook owns

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Goddess Items

boxes - 6 | GBCs - 0
will trade any item/s for GBCs

I also have:
NC Mall Sixth Birthday Goodie Bag
Second NC Mall Sixth Birthday Goodie Bag
Halloween Barbat Goodie Bag
Purple Festive Balloons Goodie Bag
Holiday Bells Goodie Bag
Bountiful Hearts Goodie Bag
Raindorf Goodie Bag
Polar Trousers Goodie Bag
Neopets 24th Birthday Celebration Goodie Bag

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Main Account Items

Basic Gift Box x21

I also have:
Smorgasbord Gift Box Mystery Capsule x3
Bubblebee Mine Goodie Bag x2
King of the Maraquan Sea Gram
15th Birthday Tutti Frutti Cake
15th Birthday Bath Day Cake
16th Clowning Around Birthday Cake
16th Birthday Karaoke Cake
23rd Birthday Cuddly Crocheted Mystery Capsule x4
Neopets 23rd Birthday Celebration Goodie Bag
Neopets 24th Birthday Celebration Goodie Bag
Dyeworks Hue Brew Potion

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Items rlynbook wants

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There aren't any items here.