Hello! I'm Jill (^-^).
I'm (generally) not seeking items unless they are on my wishlists, but I might be tempted by GBCs or Upcycle FCs! My inbox is always open - I'm not necessarily on daily, but I'm fairly active, so you should probably hear back within a few days.
Nostalgic Token WL (!=priority)
Released: Plushie Hissi, !Tyrannian Kougra!, Blue Xweetok, Grey Xweetok, Blue Koi, Royal Boy Mynci
Semi-Unreleased: Baby Kougra
Last updated on 11/29/24
This list is empty.Pretties, etc.
(Note that some of these may be on boxless sides and require a GBC to be included, lol)
All items I will trade for one GBC!
(Note that some of these may be on boxless sides and require said GBC to be sent there first, lol)
Will trade any two items for one GBC. (If I decline the trade, it's probably because both items are on different boxless sides, haha)
Actively seeking everything on this list!
I'm looking for these items, but don't necessarily NEED them right this second.
This list is empty.I'll get these eventually probably, but there's no rush.