twgp's items

Neomail caterait caterait's lookup

Items twgp owns

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mainaccount uft

Neomailing is ok, if I don't respond in about 24 hours, please go ahead and mail again as something may have glitched.

I am not seeking GBCs (except for the 2:1 section) right now, sorry!

Some Styling Studio Supplies & Deluxe Styling Studio Supplies 🎨
Some Dyework Potions
1x So Mini Baby Colours Mystery Capsule
1x 7th Birthday Cake Slice #3 🍰
1x 7th Birthday Cake Slice #2
1x Candy Corn Cupcake
1x Spring Negg Wreath 🥚
1x Nostalgic Mutant Kougra token
1x Nostalgic Plushie Zafara token

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mainaccount uft 2:1

2:1 for any cap/dyepot/FQC

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side viii

1x 8th Birthday Tied with a Bow Cupcake 🧁
1x 8th Birthday Rainbow Cupcake
1x 8th Birthday Sparkler Cupcake
1x 7th Birthday Cake Slice #3
1x 7th Birthday Cake Slice #2
1x 7th Birthday Cake Slice #1
1x Bittersweet Chocolatier Sweetheart Gram

i dont have 8 side accounts, viii is just part of the name :P

This list is empty.

Items twgp wants

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