vellen_'s items

Neomail vellen_ vellen_'s lookup

Items vellen_ owns

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1.1 Nicer Items

Also uft:
Nostalgic Plushie Aisha Token and Two Autumn Adventures Retired Mystery Capsules
This list and my wish lists should be up to date
Allow me to check that I still have an item
Neomails are welcome, I reply to every one and my inbox is never full. If you see that message, please try again.

This list is empty.

2. Trade List

I've much more not listed uft for the right item. Don't hesitate to list or send me your wishlist. Thanks!

This list is empty.

Black Friday Pre-Trades

Black Friday Pretrades Not Available

This list is empty.

Items vellen_ wants

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5. Wish List

If you have any of my wishes, I'm happy to look at your wish list as I've pretties not shown.
I am also seeking my friend's wishes:

This list is empty.

6. Neopoint Wish

Let me know if you have it for sale.

This list is empty.