ifntspirits's items

Neomail munkwiththefunk munkwiththefunk's lookup

Items ifntspirits owns

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Updated 15 Feb 2025
Neomails always welcome, I'm usually online every day (NST+8) and will respond as soon as I can :)
If I don't reply within a few hours / the same day it's because I was either asleep or busy with work, so please feel free to resend if 24 hours have passed!

ALSO UFT: BFGBCs for sales / some of my main priority WL items

Numbers are quantities except the following:
99 = tentatively UFT / may be picky
5 = pending trades
8 = item is on side account

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Items ifntspirits wants

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1. NC Seeking (Main Priority)

Actively seeking all of these items.
Numbers are my values - I use OWLS and DTI ratios as a general baseline.
Have BFGBCs I can offer for sales and some wishes in this list.

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1b. NC Seeking (Lower Priority)

These items are lower priority at the moment, so just casually seeking all of them. (Want to save boxes for main priorities, so apologies if I reject a fair offer!)
Numbers are my/OWLs values, except items with 21 which I'm looking to find in a 2:1 sale.

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