Nekow0's items

Neomail javi__17 javi__17's lookup

Items Nekow0 owns

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Items Nekow0 wants

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-Priority Wishes-

Tokens im Seeking:

  • Eerie Ghost Lupe
  • Offering TL, BFGBCs. DSSS

    This list is empty.

    ~ Ac. Javi__17 ~

    Note: Items with 21 im looking in a casual trades or are less priority than others I don't offer Custom/Buyables for 21 items unless i do the offer

    Items I am looking for, will go to the account Javi__17

    This list is empty.

    ~ Ac. Nekiwi ~

    Note: Items with 21 im looking in a casual trades or are less priority than others I don't offer Custom/Buyables for 21 items unless i do the offer

    Items I am looking for, will go to the account Nekiwi

    This list is empty.

    ~ Ac. Nekow0~

    Note: Items with 21 im looking in a casual trades or are less priority than others I don't offer Custom/Buyables for 21 items unless i do the offer

    Items I am looking for, will go to the account Nekow0

    This list is empty.

    ~ Ac. Nekowo ~

    Note: Items with 21 im looking in a casual trades or are less priority than others I don't offer Custom/Buyables for 21 items unless i do the offer

    Items I am looking for, will go to the account Nekowo

    This list is empty.

    ~ Ac. Nekuwu ~

    Note: Items with 21 im looking in a casual trades or are less priority than others I don't offer Custom/Buyables for 21 items unless i do the offer

    Items I am looking for, will go to the account Nekuwu

    This list is empty.

    ~NP wishlist~

    Saving for these items

    This list is empty.

    Please Dye this items

    Items i want dyeworks so bad.
    Not necessarily just because they are pops >:c

    This list is empty.