cheriipie's items

Neomail cheriipie cheriipie's lookup

Items cheriipie owns

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00. info & notes

hello, i'm ai! i'm a very casual nc trader.
i mainly go off of valuations from owls with some help from dti ratios. i don't access owlsbot, so any clarity on recent values is appreciated!

i frequently miss neomails due to my inbox getting clogged with nc messages!
i am online daily, if i don't reply within 24 hours pls feel free nm again

→ → → click here for my styles uft ← ← ←
i am only trading from my 'top priorities' section
none of the other styles are uft unless i offer them to you! any style marked '99' is never uft

last updated: march 5, 2025

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01. 2:1 nc uft

mostly some buyables with random items mixed in, uft for anything + always gbcs
everything here is 2:1 gbc, 3:1 bfgbc, 1:1 dyepot or fqc
also happy to give away items on this list if i have boxes to spare, just ask!

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02. nc uft

items of various value, but nothing i'm super attached to!
uft for anything in my wls + always gbcs

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03. htpw / highlights

these are all items in my closet! i may be picky with them.
not everything is htpw, some are just nicer items!

vhtpw are marked 99
open to pure bfgbc offers for non-99 items on this list

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04. custom / buyables

this list is for items that are currently buyable in the mall or grams + event packs that i still have!
if this list is visible, that means i currently have custom uft and can offer any of these items + cookies, d/sss, gbcs etc.

i will usually not trade custom for any casual trades i make a board for it!
i am not currently offering any of the tiered bgs.

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06. gifts/not uft

thank you so much to my friends and all the wonderful strangers on and off the ncc for your kindness♡♡
i will try to pay forward your gifts in any way i can!

this list is never uft!

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Items cheriipie wants

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01. highest priority

i am actively seeking and offering all of my uft items for these! can offer gbcs/customs when available as well.

i am not currently seeking bfgbcs, but will take them as filler!
21 means i'm hoping to find it in a 2:1 or other equiv sale
any other numbers are for my own reference

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02. wishlist

no planned customs for these so not in a rush to trade for them, and may be picky with gbc / custom for these!

most interested in items marked 99
21 means i'm hoping to find in a 2:1 or equiv sale
11 means they are lower prio (or spares)
5 means i have a different personal value than owls

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