Hi hello! I'm Sliced_Ramen, and I like customizing and fan-site modeling (#2 on DTI's Top Modelers in fact)!
Last updated: January 2023
Boxes available: Yes
Check out my Modeling Guide at /~Draconianism while you're here! c:
This list is empty.For Harder Wishes Or Pops = 999
Most of the time, I use ~Owls as an NC guide.
Non-Wearables UFT:
Non-Wearables UFT:
Lukewarm Left-Over Pizza
Money Tree Cupcake
Really Ripe Banana
Set On Public - Definitely UFT, but the box situation might be awk
These are items that might be hard for me to part with, but never hurts to ask! This list is set on public.
Super attached to them, gallery, items, etc., so I have this section private sometimes.
I'm really only seeking wishes nowadays, but I like custom
Replacing or because they looked pretty.
21 = Ideally Found In A 2:1 GBC Sale
This list is empty.