Cornflakes's items

Neomail mrscornflakes mrscornflakes's lookup

Items Cornflakes owns

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Hello and welcome to my NC UFT and Wishies!


Whether you are new to NC trading or an experienced pro, all are welcome here! If you are new, or haven't done many trades, please let me know, and I will explain things more in-depth as we go.

Please don't be afraid to reach out! I am here to trade!! It makes me sad when people start off a trade inquiry with something like "I'm sorry to bother you." You are NOT bothering me! I am so happy to hear from you.

I do not ignore Neomails. I think doing so is incredibly rude. If you do not hear back from me within 24 hours, please try again, because I may not have gotten your Neomail.


I keep my DTI lists here meticulously updated. So yep, everything here is available, and everything here is very much UFT! !!!


I value my own items, but I do use ~Owls as a base, and I look at what the community calls "The Ratio." I may also use the JN Items DB, and just good ol' Poogle for the more obscure things. But if you value something differently than I do, I am always happy to negotiate, and I don't get offended or take it personally!


Hi, I'm Rachel. I have been playing Neo since Sept 2001. I am online every day. I love 1P Battledome, customizing my pets, and NC trading. I do at least one trade every day, and I've done hundreds of trades over the years. I really enjoy NC trading. I love meeting new people, catching up with repeat trade partners, sharing our lives and our special hobby within a hobby, and exchanging little pixels that make us all happy.

Thanks for looking at my DTI, and GLT! :)

Btw. If we do a trade, and it's for something that you put on your pet, or something you add to your gallery, please let me know. I want to see your babies and collections!


I very lazily have some NC nonwearables UFT here:


In order of priority:

(1) My DTI Wishies (below)

(2) Upcycle cookies

(3) Gift box capsules and Black Friday gift box capsules (GBCs/BFGBCs)

(4) Faerie Quest cookies

(5) Shenanigans invites

(6) Dyepots (Hue Brew Potions)

(7) Random surprises! Feel free to send me your NC items UFT (Up For Trade). I might see something I don't already have that's also not in my Wishies.

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UFT: 1 Cap and Up. S: Wishies, GBCs, cookies, or ?? I'm friendly! Online 3/3/25


No number = 1 cap.

For items with no number, I am seeking any of the CURRENTLY SEEKING things above.


Number = value.

For the items with a number, I am only seeking my Wishies below.

I will happily accept multiples of my Wishies for a single item. For example, if something of mine is priced at 3 caps, I will be happy to accept 3 of my 1-cap wishies.

To make up slight differences in values, in addition to my Wishies, I will also happily accept anything from the CURRENTLY SEEKING list above. For example, if something of mine is priced at 3 caps, but the item you have from my Wishies is valued at 2, I will be happy to accept any of the items from that list above to make up the difference.


Every few days, I recheck the values of brand-new items, and reprice them as needed. Every month, I recheck the values of ALL my UFT items. So if you see something you want but you think it's too expensive, please check back later.


Please neomail mrscornflakes if you'd like to trade! I am online every day.

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UFT: GBC Sale, or ?? I'm friendly! Online 3/3/25


Aka 2:1, 3:1, 4:1, 5:1, 6:1 GBC Sale


All gift box capsules (GBCs) contain a random number of 2 - 5 gift boxes. Certain Black Friday gift box capsules (BFGBCs) contain up to 6 gift boxes. For any GBC or BFGBC you send me, I will open it, and however many boxes it has in it will be how many items you receive back.

Just send a GBC or BFGBC to mrscornflakes, along with a Neomail that lists up to 5 or 6 items you'd like to receive from this "GBC Game" section. List the items you'd like in order of highest priority first, and be sure to include which account each item should be sent to. I will open your GBC, and however many boxes it has inside will be the number of items you get back. So, if the GBC you sent me has 2 boxes, you will get 2 items back, and they will be the first 2 items of the list you NMed to me.


If you want just 1 item from this list, I've had plenty of people send 1 GBC for 1 item, and that's totes fine. But you don't have to. Also, you don't even have to offer a GBC for anything in this section! I will also happily accept anything from my CURRENTLY SEEKING list above. I'm really not picky. Please note however that I'm not trading 2/3/4/5/6:1 from this section for anything other than GBCs/BFGBCs.


Please neomail mrscornflakes if you'd like to trade. I am online every day!

Number = quantity in stock. No number = 1

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Items Cornflakes wants

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Wishies! O: BFGBCs, GBCs if in the mall, UFT, customs (full), ??. I'm friendly! Online 3/3/25

I got plenty of boxes, BFGBCs, and financial recklessness! If you're sitting there right now thinking something like "There's no way that she will want to do a 14,000 NC custom" or "There's no way she can offer 57 BFGBCs" or "There's no way she'll want to send 78 Dyepots" Oh my sweet summer child, I AM HERE TO TRADE. Hmu!

I am currently in the long and tedious process of adding more Wishies here. So if you don't have any of my wishes, please check back later! Thanks!

Please neomail mrscornflakes if you'd like to trade. I am online every day

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z_Too Pricey

I'm not actively seeking these, because they are valued at more than I wish to pay. Fingers crossed that they deflate in the future!

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