Wenchleeuh's items

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Items Wenchleeuh owns

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.July 2023 Current Box Count: ok

I'm 5 hours behind NST but a day ahead.


Lookbook of all the customizations that I've done on Enchantrerina so far!

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1a UFT 8 Caps

1c UFT 3 GBCs

a 4 GBCs

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b Dyeworks UFT 1 GBC

Numbers are how many I have of each

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C 1 cap (numbers are how many I have of each item)

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Items Wenchleeuh wants

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Actively Seeking

Seeking BF GBCs, Archives, Upcycles and anything new in the mall that catches my eye

I can offer BF GBCs for my wishes. Just ask

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Dress to Impress
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