hailang's items

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Items hailang owns

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0.5 Hello!

July 2024. Online for the plot of it all
(NST + 16 / GMT +8 / HK time)

Welcome!! If I don't get back to you within a day, please send another mail my way! I may not have received it. Values are for my ref only.

Quick links: Nonwearable TL and WL including SS Tokens
Owls A-J | Owls K-O | Owls P-Z | Waka | Valisar

Can dye these for dyepots/GBCs:

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4. 2:1 Sale

2:1 for any GBC or Archives Cookie
1:1 for a Lab, FQC, or dyepot

This list is empty.

5. Nonwearable

Items hailang wants

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