Hello there! Feel free to neomail me about anything here, I reply to everybody & I'm on daily.
Always open to GBCs.
Closet is private.
Tokens/Non-wearables UFT:
(/~Valisar - Non Wearable Value Guide)
I only have a few higher-than-averagely valued/harder to find things and I'd really like to reserve them for my heavier wishlist items. Some of these are also closet items of varying values so may turn down fair offers, apologies.
Items on my side account.
Items on my other side account.
*DJ Khaled voice * Another one.
How many sides do I have? I'm like a dodecahedron...
The chonky ones. The last bastions of the un-rereleased.
99 = Need rn because I can't stop staring at the custom I made with it and it is stopping me from getting on with my day.
Nostalgic Tokens - Seeking
Nostalgic Blue Pteri
Nostalgic Robot Pteri
Nostalgic Grey Chia
The release of Island
Wishlist for my fandom account.