I use OWLs in general, but not always!
Numbers indicate:
99 = HTPW
21 = 2:1 for GBC
22 = Priority wishlist
I accept:
Wishlist, Dyepots, BF/GBC, (deluxe or not) Styling Studio Supplies
My WL is probably outdated as I'm not up to date with the new releases and still need to decide on the customization of some pets, so if you'd like any of my items, please neomail me with your TL and I'll give it a look.
Please give me up to 24 hours to reply.
I always reply! If I didn't reply you in 24h, there's a chance I never got the neomail. Please send it again.
I also accept GBC and dyepots since I can re-trade these. I'm always accepting styling studios for my bori needs.
Items listed here are for my wife, but you can offer if I own something you wish.