rileykitty's items

Neomail mimo3956 mimo3956's lookup

Items rileykitty owns

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Items UFT

Also Offering: Horror Movie Marathon Retired Mystery Capsule, GBCs and sometimes custom, just ask! :)


I'll accept either items on my wishlist or GBCs/custom on any of these!

Still have to organize some of these out into a 2:1 sales category so don't be shy asking for 2:1 on anything you know that's valued as such!

I use owls to estimate approximate value.

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My Closet (Currently Not In Use)

These are all items I've got in my closet which I don't currently have a customization for. I might be willing to trade them for an item if it's on my wishlist! :3

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My Closet (In Use)

Items my pets are currently wearing or those I'm saving for a future customization. It's not as likely I'll part with these, but I may be willing to if you've got a harder to find item or I no longer have these in use in the future! Some I am far more willing to let go of than others, so feel free to ask. :3

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Items rileykitty wants

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