kikitori's items

Neomail kikitori kikitori's lookup

Items kikitori owns

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1. UFT

UFT for wishes and/or custom (BF/GBCs, Dyepots, etc.). Also open to casual trades/browsing lists.

Number = my value
No number = Owls value

This list is empty.

2. Sale (3:1 BF GBC, 2:1 GBC, 1:1 Dyepot)

3:1 BF GBC
2:1 Regular GBC
1:1 Dyepot

Will trade for wishes at regular value.

This list is empty.

Nonwearables UFT

Pet Styles UFT only for D/SSS and Pet Style wishes:
(7 Caps = 1 DSSS or 2 SSS)

UFT for all wishes:
7th Birthday Cake Slice #3

This list is empty.

Items kikitori wants

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0. Seeking - Nostalgic Pet Styles

Medium priority:
Nostalgic Royalboy Acara
Valentine Plushie Usul

This list is empty.

1. Seeking - High Priority

This list is empty.

2. Seeking - Medium Priority

Includes items I'm seeking spares of.

This list is empty.