Crusshine's items

Neomail sol_granger sol_granger's lookup

Items Crusshine owns

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0. Welcome to my Humble Tradelists :)

Well, I'm Alice, but most of my friends call me Liz. I've been playing Neopets for more years than I'd like to admit.

I'd love to trade away this stuff, so if you are interested in any of the ítems I have, please neomail me to my main sol_granger. I can take GBCs (always interested in them) or any items from my wishlists.

Very low on custom or GBCs right now, due to the economical situation of Argentina. Our currency is really below USDs, and taxes for foreign purchases are delirious.

Also interested in this tokens:

Nostalgic Royalboy Acara (priority) Nostalgic Royalgirl Cybunny Nostalgic Royalgirl Draik Nostalgic Faerie Peophin

Thanks for reading and GLT!!

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1. 2:1 Dyeworks Lending.

I know, not A LOT of Dyeworks, but I can lend 2 for 1 GBC, or 1 for 1 DW pot, or any of the items I have on my wishlist.

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3. Regular UFT

Mostly using ~Owls values.

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4. Highlights

Items I cosider a bit more valuable, I'm a bit attached too or are newer.

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Free PB Clothing

Spare PB clothing :) Remember you must have the pet and species to get the clothing.

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Items Crusshine wants

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1. First Priority

Items I am trying to obtain, so let me know if you have any of this.

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2. Harder (or impossible) Dreams.

3. Second Priority.

Things I like and I have custom ideas for, but not looking for them that much. Mostly complementary items and accessories for customs I already have.

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4. Replace

Things I had to trade, but I'd like to get back someday. Miss them, but they are not a Priority. Just keeping track of them.

21 means I'd like to find them 2:1

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