mylura's items

Neomail Mylura Mylura's lookup

Items mylura owns

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- Welcome to my Trade List -

Greetings! I occasionally take breaks from Neo, but for the most part I check for neomails at least once daily. I am always active when I put out offers. I appreciate 24-48 hours to respond to inquiries, but I'm not gonna yell at you if you can't wait. I'm not your mom. =P

I stick close to OWL values and have most items up for trade organized by value. I'm not a collector and pretty much only seek items I intend to use for an already planned customization. I only accept GBCs for 2:1 items unless I really need boxes but I am open to customs for lower value items.

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000. Styling Studio

Normally I don't trade many items for customs/GBCs but I absolutely will trade for Style tokens! I presently value DSSS at 7 GBC and SSS at 3 but I will give some wiggle room depending on the items requested. I'm still unlikely to part with high value items for D/SSS tokens. I'm happy to do style swaps as well and will keep a list of what I'm offering and looking for below.

Styles For Trade
Nostalgic Darigan Lenny
Nostalgic Darigan Uni
Nostalgic Grey Draik
Nostalgic Plushie Kougra

Styles I'm Seeking
Nostalgic Darigan Ixi
Nostalgic Darigan Peophin
Nostalgic Faerie Eyrie This list is empty.

001. 2:1 GBC

One item per dyepot or FQC.
Two items per GBC.
Will consider customs as well.

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002. 1-2 GBC

Not accepting GBCs or Customs for these items.

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005. HTPW

Pretty much only willing to trade anything here for high value wishes.

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Items mylura wants

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