kumancias's items

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Items kumancias owns

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00. [welcome mat]

Hi! As you can see I am Not Much of an NC person, but I found most of this stuff gathering dust in the SDB of my old main from a decade ago. Would love to trade it all away for cookies and maybe a couple shiny new things I've missed?

For offers I'm currently accepting FQCs and Training Cookies -- and wishes, of course! Feel free to tempt me with backgrounds, foregrounds, and effect items, especially if they're obscure and old like the stuff I've sent away! But cookies are a guaranteed yes for me :D

I am currently sated on the GBC front! DSSS/SSS are still very welcome although I think as of mid-Feb I've managed to clear out most of the higher value old stuff. Will also accept Retired Dyeworks Mystery Capsules.

Non-Wearables UFT for my wishes:
Dyeworks Hue Brew Potion x4
Retired Dyeworks Mystery Capsule 2024 x5
GBCs x2

Values-wise I go off of ~Owls and DTI offering/seeking ratios & quantities (see also ~Eya). Mostly I want to get this stuff into the closet of someone who would enjoy it, so don't be shy to hit me up! I'm online every day :)

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001. personal recordkeeping

just items I've traded for so I remember (: thank you to everyone who made these possible!

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01. older items UFT for 1-2 caps

the remainder of my 2012-2013 items not in the sale section. number indicates quantity, not cap value! will take GBCs for these

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02. dyeworks UFT

or: the slippery slope of making just one trade for some dyeworks caps because they've got a bunch of your wishes in them, surely this won't perpetuate the cycle of NC trading when I'd meant to just trade off my weird old items for consumables and get out,, nevermind that said wishes are all valued at 1 or 2 caps themselves and I could just trade for them, surely the surprise of mystery capsules won't be something I find addictive,,, surely,

These are on my main with plenty of boxes so I would prefer to trade for any of my wishes (regardless of priority!), or else equivalent FQCs of the cap value.

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Items kumancias wants

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