deem's items

Neomail satisfunctional satisfunctional's lookup

Items deem owns

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0 - info - 0

nothing visible is htpw if i'm getting wl items in return
even when i'm not playing much, i still do my dailies
so if you mail, i will get back to you in <=24hrs
(unless the mail didn't go through)
generally go by owls

custom: yes
sss: no
dsss: no
retired caps: always
bfgbc: no
gbc: no
dyepots: yes
fqfc: yes

This list is empty.

dw lends

i'd lend that for a dyepot!

This list is empty.


1:1 (BF)GBC

This list is empty.

Items deem wants

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let's be real: i'm waiting on a re-release

nc mall