nothing visible is htpw if i'm getting wl items in return
even when i'm not playing much, i still do my dailies
so if you mail, i will get back to you in <=24hrs
(unless the mail didn't go through)
generally go by owls
custom: yes
sss: no
dsss: no
retired caps: always
bfgbc: no
gbc: no
dyepots: yes
fqfc: yes
2:1 GBC, 3:1 BFGBC
will happily trade 1:1 for other buyables i want, or fqfc/dyepot
1:1 GBC, 2:1 BFGBC
prefer item:item with other dyeworks!
1:1 (BF)GBC
2:1 GBC, 3:1 BFGBC
1:1 dyepot or fqfc
will accept almost anything on this lot
separating the buyables out for my own reference
also seeking: dark sorcerer mystery capsule
i considered using this stuff in a custom once or twice, and then promptly forgot about it
i definitely won't be disappointed to be offered these things! i just might not accept depending on mood
numbers are for my own reference
a bunch of items i want that are probably 2:1