Last updated: March 16, 2025
I have some hidden WLs and TLs, so please send me your TLs and WLs!
"99" = Side Account
SEEKING: Wishes | GBCs | Upcycle Cookies
OFFERING: GBCs YES | Cookies YES (2x FQCs) | Caps NO | Customs NO
* You DON'T have to read this as a "requirement" to trade with me... but...
Use JellyNeo instead? -
1) NC Trading newbs welcome! I don't know everything, but I've been NC trading for a while now, so feel free to NM me!
No question is a stupid question.
2) Be respectful and patient. I usually try to reply and complete all trades before logging off for the day, but please keep in mind:
- If you have not confirmed where to send your items, nothing will be sent yet.
- If I have not confirmed where to send my items, do not send anything yet.
- If you sent me items and I have not accepted them yet, and/or if I have NOT sent anything to you, then I am now OFFLINE. I'll get back to you within 24 hours.
3) Don't falsely accuse people of scamming, just because you have anxiety. We're all adults here (mostly) so act like one. Not everyone is constantly refreshing, waiting for replies. And, I get it, NC trading is not the most "secure" thing, but again, refer to #2.
4) Values are subjective. My values may not match yours. It's ok to disagree, but I will always try to be fair, and even offer more if I think you are under-offering. I base my values off DTI ratios and ~Owls/~Waka.
5) Mass trade offers. I don't mind being a part of your wish search, but a simple "No TY" reply would be nice. If I don't get a reply, and you just waste my time, I will be less inclined to trade with/reply to you in the future.
6) I respond to all offers, even if it's a "No TY." I will also try to make counter-offers if I do not need/want what you are offering, so always send those TLs/WLs!
Lastly, please don't be offended if I decline a fair offer!
My actual Closet. (Things I'm saving for future use.)
Likely WONT trade these (except MAYBE for "High Priority" wishes).
This list is usually hidden.
HTPW things that I either: use often/have no plan for yet.
Accepting MOST trade offers for these items.
This list is usually hidden.
HTPW things that I either: use often/have no plan for yet.
Accepting SOME trade offers for these items.
New items, and Unknown values... send offers.
1 item for 2 or more GBCs or wishlist item of equal value
1 item for 1 item or GBC
2 items for 1 item or GBC
Numbers in this list are VALUES, not quantity. (21 = 2 for 1)
My friend doesn't NC trade and does not have a WL. Let me know if there is anything you'd want!
Also UFT:
- Dyeworks Winter Hue Brew Potion
- Festive Dyeworks Hue Brew Potion
(Clothes do not transfer with the pet unless the pet colour matches the clothing colour, and clothes can not be removed from your closet to transfer to another account.)
MIGHT trade "Closet" items for these.
"100" = MEDIUM priority. (Everything else is LOW Priority.)
Not actively seeking.