I'm also slowly reorganizing lists, might not be up to date.
Gift Box Capsules: (I'm in need of these.)
(Black Friday) Cutie Pie Weewoo Gift Box Mystery Capsule x 1
Dye Potions:
Dyeworks Celebration Hue Brew Potion x 1
More notable stuff. Not necessarily valuable. Mostly only want items for these.
"8" and "9" are on sides and might need boxes. I'm not attached to anything here. GBCs are fine for most of these.
Will also accept other buyables 1:1.
Things with an already assigned location, just need to acquire them. High priority.
Might be used, but still considering where. Low priority.
Zero plans for these. I just like how they look. Very low priority.
A full range of values here.
Champions of Meridell Mystery Capsule
Regulation Meridellian Knight Superpack
Expensive stuff.