kirisame's items

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Items kirisame owns

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1. Non-wearables

Hello, you can call me Kirisame, just like my username here states.
Please send a mail if I have something you need, I always reply (usually within a day)! I won't be upset if you find what you're seeking before that, though.

My current non-wearables:
(1) Candy Vampire Goodie Bag
(1) Polar Trousers Goodie Bag
(1) Raindorf Goodie Bag
(5) 25th Anniversary Aisha Black Friday Gift Box Mystery Capsule

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2. Highlights

Not necessarily valuable or rare, just items I like more and could find a use for. UFT towards wishes and BFGBCs.

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4. Junk

Planning to upcycle these all in the future when I get some cookies, but I will donate them in the meantime (if I have spare boxes).

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Items kirisame wants

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