cryptic_walrus's items

Neomail cryptic_walrus cryptic_walrus's lookup

Items cryptic_walrus owns

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1.) intro

getting back into the grind, I respond to all mails i see. if i leave ya hanging send another one.

also uft: Nostalgic fae poogle, jelly poogle, dari moehog and 1 sss

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Items cryptic_walrus wants

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1.2.) high prio

stuff im seeking for my pets, lemme know if we can work something out. I may have an amount of bfgbcs to add depending on the date

also uft: Nostalgic fae poogle, jelly poogle, dari moehog and 1 sss

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2.) lower prio/keeping in mind

3.) Looking for in 2:1

some of these I'd like passively for current customs, some of them i just wanna have cause i think theyre neat

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