sasako's items

Neomail papa_ocelot papa_ocelot's lookup

Items sasako owns

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0.0 for me

1 - 10 : amount of that item
main (2 boxes)
22 : yuu (2 boxes)
33 : sas (0 boxes)
44 : cat (1 box)
55 : mor (0 boxes)

If you want something from a boxless side I might need the trade to include a GBC. Depending on the trade you can choose something extra from that account's 2:1

This list is empty.

0.3 2:1 GBC / 3:1 BFGBC / 1:1 Dyepot

non-wearables: Sound The Alarm Mechanical Negg

This list is empty.

Items sasako wants

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