iluvmypetz456's items

Neomail iluvmypetz456 iluvmypetz456's lookup

Items iluvmypetz456 owns

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Items I'm tempted to either hoard or send to side accounts. But I would def trade these for one of my "wanted ASAP" items.

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NC items Up For Trade

GBC: 0

MBC: 0

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Items iluvmypetz456 wants

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Lowest Priority

Items needed for customs that aren't even close to being completed anytime soon. I would much prefer any other wanted item, but if it's the only thing you have I'm still open to trading.

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NC Backgrounds I Want

Important items for my main pet customizations. Highly wanted.

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NC Kind of Want

Not necessarily part of a customization/thinking about making it part of a customization, or I just want the item for other reasons. I might trade something for these.

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Wanted Expressions

Also very highly wanted items.

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Wanted NC but not top priority

These are mainly items for my pet's Altador Cup, Christmas, and Halloween customizations. Would still be very interested in these.

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