darkened_landscape's items

Neomail darkened_landscape darkened_landscape's lookup

Items darkened_landscape owns

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1. Introduction

Welcome! Please feel free to reach out via Neomail to arrange a trade.

I can usually offer custom, (BF)GBCs, and/or D/SSS, in addition to tradelist items. Please ask!

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2. Up For Trade

If you believe an item here should be on my 2:1 sale list, please message me and I will consider it!

This list is empty.

3. 2:1 GBC

Will trade 2 for 1 GBC, or equivalent offers. Numbers indicate quantity.

This list is empty.

Items darkened_landscape wants

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1. High Priority Wishes

Actively seeking these items.

This list is empty.

2. Wishes

Probably interested in a trade.

This list is empty.

4. Not Worth It Yet

These items are lovely but expensive. Realistically, I may not be actively seeking these items.

This list is empty.