mandtm's items

Neomail amandasy amandasy's lookup

Items mandtm owns

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1. Tradeable closet (just a bit picky)

Numbers here are not current values
33 = gifted by kind people, ty!

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2. My tiny trade list

Hello! I'm not an active trader, so I usually offer buyables or customs for specific items I want, but I have obtained a few items through quest log, capsules, or impulse trades that I don't really use. Picky with the CB Garland so I would prefer to trade it for my prio wishes. The rest is fine for the mid-tier ones. Numbers represent values, but they might be outdated, although I try to check ~Owls and DTI ratios whenever I can. I'm super nice and always respond, so feel free to neomail me - I might take a bit to respond tho and might be out of boxes at times so apologies in advance. Thanks!

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Items mandtm wants

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1. Highest priorities

Numbers are value according to ~Owls but I also check ratios
21 = not so pop based on ratios

Side note: I recently discovered that some shoes look stupidly cute on a few of my pets and I just need them now /facepalm I simply love shoes on Flotsams, they look so silly (and I don't even have a Flotsam so Idk why I tried shoes on a Flotsam)

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