prepawsterous's items

Items prepawsterous owns

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Not trading the Pink Uni Club Gram anymore, will just be giving away on my current neobard (2/28/25)

Casually seeking random items I do not own all of these, but just showing what my gram can offer for visuals. (will delete sets once I gave out the gram)

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Nostalgic Tokens

I also currently have the ff tokens:

Valentine Plushie Ixi Nostalgic Grey Pteri

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Up For Trade (2:1)

Items Casually Up for Trade

2 items for GBC/Dyeworks/Mystery Box

The number is the QTY. More of them means I'm also willing to give them out.

If you think 2:1 is an overoffer, let me know. I do not really research on these items haha.

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Items prepawsterous wants

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