iplatypus's items

Neomail iplatypus iplatypus's lookup

Items iplatypus owns

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0. Welcome!

Hey, I’m Alli! Long-time Neopian and casual NC enjoyer. ( ˶˙ᵕ˙ )ノ゙

  • My huge NUFT/HTPW closet is hidden, so everything you see is ETPW for the right trade.
  • I keep my WL very small, so feel free to offer GBCs/custom for anything I have.
  • Numbers below 10 are quantities, other numbers are account location for my reference.
  • I love gettin' neomail and always respond. Don’t be shy!
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Non-NC Wearables

PB clothes free to your unclothed painted pet! (Yes, Tassi was Boochi'd back in the day, lol)

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Items iplatypus wants

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Side Account WIshes