EmilyV's items

Neomail emiemi345 emiemi345's lookup

Items EmilyV owns

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-Trades are open!

Neopets username: emiemi345 (this is my only account!)

JN trade list: https://items.jellyneo.net/mywishes/emiemi_345/266265/

If I have what you want and you have what I want, I can guarantee a successful trade, but my time zone is EST (3 hours ahead of NST); I'll always within 24 hours, though!

(Last update: 12/14/23)

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• All numbers equal quantity!

• ~Venqaa isn't updated, so don't go by that!

• I'm not willing to trade anything my pets are wearing!

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UFT | Former Regular Buyables

UFT | NC Collectibles

The whirlpool is HTPW

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UFT | Regular NC Buyables

UFT | Wonderclaw

Items EmilyV wants

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_ I can dream!! ;w;

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Notes (LOTS of notes!)

I'm not interested in receiving anything that's not on my wishlist!•

•I don't need any Gift Boxes; I have almost 200 basic ones, and the entirety of my wishlist is just a teeny fraction of that!

•99 means top priority (and 999 means SUPER top priority)!

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S | Misc. NC Events

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S | Mystery Capsule Prizes

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S|NC Collectibles

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