hduff_a24's items

Neomail hduff_a24 hduff_a24's lookup

Items hduff_a24 owns

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* Welcome *

Feel free to neomail me if you want to set up a trade. Let’s relax and have fun, remember it’s just a game!

If viewing on old DTI: numbers indicate quantity.

This list is empty.

1) HTPW/Popular

Pretty/more sought-after items I am saving to trade for my high priority and/or hard to find wishes

This list is empty.

2) CLEARANCE ✿ 1:1 Cookie / 2:1 GBC / 4:1 BFGBC ✿

Everything in this section is:

1 item for 1 Faerie Quest Fortune Cookie or Lab Ray Fortune Cookie

2 items for 1 Gift Box Mystery Capsule

4 items for 1 Black Friday Gift Box Mystery Capsule

This list is empty.

3) 1-2 cap value

Would prefer to trade these for items on my WL but feel free to offer GBC/caps.

This list is empty.

5) 3-4 cap value

Would prefer to trade these for items on my WL but feel free to offer GBC/caps.

This list is empty.

Items hduff_a24 wants

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2) Looking to find in 2:1 sale

This list is empty.

3) Regular wishlist

This list is empty.
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