Also UFT: -Nostalgic Faerie Ruki -Dyeworks Hue Brew Potion
Willing to take GBC/customs for these.
Items marked 22, 33, and 44 are on side accounts.
NC Items I am using, but can be persuaded to trade for items on my most wanted and customs wishlists.
Willing to trade 2 of these for a GBC/RR cap or a Owls 1 item
These are my most wanted!
These are items that I want for customs, but aren't the highest priority. Think of these are medium priority! I'd like them but most likely won't trade from HTPW for these (but feel free to offer regardless!)
NC Items I am casually searching for, feel free to offer any of these up if you see something you like!
High value items I am looking for. That being said most of these are not in my highest priority list.
Items I'm looking for to add to my various galleries. Very low priority.