kuddlyhero's items

Neomail fast_paw fast_paw's lookup

Items kuddlyhero owns

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0 / intro

Username visible? Feel free to neomail -- I will always respond :)

Last updated: 23rd March 2025
Time: NST +9 (online daily)

I am open to trading anything you can see, the stuff I'm attached to is in a private list
(just to make it easier on us all, haha)

Happy trading!

This list is empty.

2 / regular uft

Numbers are for where, not for value.

This list is empty.

Items kuddlyhero wants

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1 / priority

anything I super duper want will end up in this list :)

21 = just a reminder for myself that I've seen that item in sales before,
but please don't let that put you off if you want to offer a different trade!

This list is empty.

3 / buyables

a place for me to keep track of current buyables I still want from the mall
(numbers are just for my own reference)

less likely to trade for these, but try me if you want -- I promise I'm nice :)

This list is empty.