kristin13904's items

Neomail kristin13904 kristin13904's lookup

Items kristin13904 owns

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Welcome :)

Currently on a bit of a trading hiatus but please reach out if you have something I am seeking

I use OWLs as a general guide but do not always agree with their values

I check Neo most days and respond to all mail within 24-48hrs

Custom available for my wishes

UC Tokens UFT:

Faerie Xweetok

Plushie Eyrie

Robot Cybunny

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*Items Trading for Wishes Only*

Items here I may value at the high end or above their OWL range

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Everything Else

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Items kristin13904 wants

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*High Priority Wishes*

My kingdom for these pretties :)

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*Medium Priority Wishes*

Seeking these pretties a little less fiercely but still really like them

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Low Priority Wishes

Keeping an eye out for these casually - If I turn down a fair offer for one of these its not you, its me

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Dress to Impress
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